Have you moved? Tell your Union! : https://forms.gle/2i6ZXpAWP2ed2vYS7
Also as a reminder, SOS SafetyNet exists and can also help with financial issues (they are in a grant cycle right now!) Email sossafetynet@gmail.com to apply!
1st guest: Lindsay Jones from No More 10 out of 12s: Fill out the survey to share your experiences with 10/12s https://nomore10outof12s.com/survey/
They need your data and sound bites about crappy working conditions, long hours, and crazy expectations.
2nd guest: Alex from Rogue Action center talked to us about de-escalation training. Email deescalation@rogueactioncenter.org to join in on some de-escalation training with Rogue Action Center. Help at protests and events or just know how you get out of awkward chats at the grocery store.
Save 844-923-3702 in your phone. Text “154” for a link to the 154 pay site and access to the hardship app link.
Know your rights as a queer worker Pride event from the Oregon AFL-CIO https://oraflcio.org/events/pride2021
Stamp out Hunger will be a monetary drive this year rather than the food drive in the past, please donate to a food bank in your area and you can find one by going to https://www.nalc.org/community-service/food-drive/2021-donor-drive
Stage Ops will be electing a new VP, if you are in Stage Ops PLEASE make sure your address is up to date as voting will be done by mail-in ballot.
If you are nominated or willing to be nominated you need to be present in June's zoom meeting or have emailed Sager PRIOR to our June meeting to be eligible for Nomination. If you are interested in running, please ask a fellow Stage Operator to Nominate you in June.
- On that note, a HUGE thank you to Josh Heuertz for his years of work for the Local, we owe him a lot and are very grateful.